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時裝是可在社交欄可裝備的物品。穿上它們將會更改玩家的外觀,但同時這不會有任何屬性加成。Fargo's 突變模組加入了少量的時裝套裝和時裝散件。

Vanity items

Vanity Pieces

Vanity Sets


  • The Mutant Set is the only set that can be crafted into another set of armor, True Mutant armor. However this cannot be done without Fargo's Souls Mod as it requires materials exclusive to it.
Fargo's Mutant Mod:
Mechanical Amalgam.png Summons • City Buster.png Consumables • Mutant.png NPCs • Portable Sundial.png Tools • Regal Statue.png Furniture • Slimy Energizer.png Materials • LumberJack Hat.png Vanity • Autohammer.png Recipes