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Eridanus, Champion of Cosmos.gif

Eridanus, Champion of Cosmos Punching.gif

Eridanus, Champion of Cosmos Transforming.gif

伤害150 / 300 / 450
最大生命值600,000 / 1,200,000 / 1,800,000
10% (伤害减免)
Map Icon Eridanus.png
Map Icon













  • 宇宙英灵在自身周围形成一圈日耀火球,然后从左上侧或右上侧向玩家冲刺3次。 第三次冲刺结束时会向外发射自身周围的火球,火球在飞行一段时间后会轻微地追踪玩家。
  • 宇宙英灵在玩家位置产生一个星旋漩涡,几秒后漩涡会不断吸引玩家并在玩家接触时造成伤害,同时释放出三道顺时针旋转的星旋闪电。这一攻击时宇宙英灵会尽量远离玩家以防止对玩家造成接触伤害。
  • 宇宙英灵移动到距离玩家一定位置处,持续释放两条包围住玩家的弧形星云弹幕,同时出现一个预判玩家移动轨迹的十字预警,预警持续约两秒后一阵流星会从天而降轰击预警处。预警会出现三次。
  • 宇宙英灵在时间停止声音后停止玩家的时间并使画面颜色反转,同时在玩家周围产生多个流体入侵怪弹幕环,在时间恢复声音后恢复玩家的时间,同时流体入侵怪弹幕环会逐渐收缩逼近玩家。


Second phase

As with the first phase, Eridanus follows a set pattern that repeats after the final attack. In Expert Mode, additional attacks are inserted between its pillar-themed attacks; in Eternity Mode, many of these attacks are amplified.

  • Eridanus’ solar attack is improved, making the charges faster and used in quicker succession.
    • Eternity: Each solar dash terminates in a six-way burst of solar chain explosions that slowly radiates outwards; one of these chains will always be aimed at the player's current position.
  • Expert: Eridanus moves above the player before charging downwards to create a big deathray, which then spawns more deathrays along itself that shoot out horizontally. Each deathray is telegraphed by a smaller projectile.
    • Eternity: The horizontal deathrays slightly home onto the player's position.
  • Eridanus’ vortex attack is improved, spawning faster, and the 3 lightning bolts rotate even faster anti-clockwise.
    • Eternity: The 3 lightning bolts are even faster/thicker, and the vortex now frequently fires rings of electric spheres.
  • Expert: Eridanus visually charges up and summons V-shaped rows of cosmic spheres above and below the player, which converge while leaving gaps to dodge through. After summoning three pairs and completing his charging animation, Eridanus then dashes at the player in an horizontal manner, forming a huge deathray in its wake.
  • Eridanus’ nebula attack is improved, with the nebula arc being tighter, and the reticle meteor bombardments happening faster.
    • Eternity: Eridanus gradually rotates around the player while firing, ending the phase directly above them.
  • Expert: Eridanus shoots five rapid deathrays at the player, before ducking under the player and charging upwards, creating a bigger one that spawns even more deathrays in a messy spiral aimed roughly at the nearest player.
  • Eridanus’ stardust attack is improved, spawning even more flow invaders, which move faster.
    • Eternity: Now triggers much faster after his previous attack. The converging rings now alternate between evenly spaced rings, and solid rings with one gap to duck through.
  • Expert: Eridanus shoots fifteen deathrays at the player in rapid succession.

In Eternity Mode, Eridanus goes into its third phase after reaching 20% health.

Third Phase

All projectiles are cleared as Eridanus becomes engulfed in explosions and temporarily goes invulnerable. He then stops moving, traps the player in an arena of Phantasmal Spheres, and spawns 2 huge moons which circle around him clockwise, periodically crashing into each other. Every time the moons collide, he will launch one of 4 attacks in another set pattern:

  • Eridanus spawns a large ring of solar fireballs, which stop a short distance from itself before propelling themselves towards the player with slight homing.
  • Eridanus fires a dense ring of lightning bolts.
  • Eridanus launches a dense spread of nebula projectiles, which strongly home onto the player for 1 second before losing most of their homing power. The ring is extremely fast but has a blind spot directly in front of Eridanus.
  • Eridanus propels 2 rings of flow invaders, the first going much faster than the second.

As Eridanus nears death, the arena will gradually shrink, lowering the amount of space the player has to dodge attacks. However, Eridanus' attacks will also adjust themselves to compensate for the reduced room.


Source Debuffs
Eridanus, Champion of Cosmos.png Contact
Phantasmal Sphere.gif Arena Border
Fireball.gif Solar Fireball
Betsy's Breath.gif Solar Chain Explosion
Lunar Portal.png Vortex
Lightning Orb.gif Lightning Orb
Nebula Blaze (projectile).gif Nebula Blaze 狂暴狂暴
Meteor (1) (projectile).png Meteor 着火了!着火了!
Stardust Enchantment.png Time Freeze 时间冻结时间冻结
Flow Invader Minion.gif Stardust Flow Invader 阻塞阻塞
Phantasmal Deathray.png Cosmic Deathray
Phantasmal Sphere.gif Cosmic Sphere
Cosmic Moon.png Cosmic Moon 月之诅咒月之诅咒


  • The music that plays during Eridanus' boss battle is Platinum Star by Yuri O.
    • Its old theme was Ordeal by Sakuzyo, before that it was Full Force by Universe.
    • If the Fargo's Music Mod add-on is disabled, Lunar Boss (Otherworldly) will play instead.
  • Eridanus is the name of a Supervoid, a vast starless area in space.
    • This name is also shared with a constellation often depicted as a river.
  • In-game, the white structures on Eridanus' shoulders and his hands will cycle through yellow/green/blue/purple glows, representing the four Celestial Pillars.
  • When Eridanus is defeated, he will uniquely explode into a rising pillar of teal explosions; in Eternity Mode, the moons from his final phase will also fall to the ground and explode into similar pillars on impact. All of these effects are purely cosmetic and deal no damage.
  • All of Eridanus' large deathray attacks inflict significant knockback even if the player has some form of knockback immunity.
  • If Deviantt is nearby during the fight, Eridanus will temporarily ignore the player to violently attack her with a nonstop barrage of deathrays; Eridanus' deathray attacks are coded to specifically deal increased damage to her. If Deviantt is killed in this way, she drops Walking Rick.
    • Eridanus will also attack the boss version of the Deviantt in this way.
  • Eridanus' time freeze does not only affect the player, freezing all non-immune enemies (including bosses) and projectiles as well.
  • Eridanus' time-stopping attack is reminiscent of various attacks used by Sakuya Izayoi from the Touhou Project, where she freezes time and surrounds the player character with knives in the frozen time, which then converge on them when time resumes. A similar attack is also used by DIO in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, with many aspects of the aforementioned character and the Stardust Enchantment Eridanus represents both being references to the show.
    • In addition, the sound effect when Eridanus uses the time freeze is the same sound effect used by DIO's stand The World in the 2014 anime adaptation (which is also used for the Stardust Enchantment). As of version 1.3.96, it has a similar visual effect as the one used by The World.
  • Before 1.3.96, Eridanus' phantasmal eye attack in his second phase was almost identical to the opening attack used by the boss Shen Doragon from the Ancients Awakened mod, who was programmed by the same developer.
  • Eridanus is the only Champion to have a proper name rather than only being referred to by their title. It is also the only one that drops items besides the two random Enchantments for their respective Force, that being Eridanium and Universe Core.
  • If the player has the Yet Another Boss Health Bar Mod installed, Eridanus' health bar will be colored grey.
  • If the Boss Checklist Mod is installed, Eridanus' unique despawn message will be "Eridanus, Champion of Cosmos returns to the stars..."
  • The 怪物图鉴怪物图鉴 entry for Eridanus, Champion of Cosmos: "This noble warrior once travelled the stars in search of worthy opponents. It settled nearby after encountering a certain mutated trio."


  • 1.3.96: Several attack reworks and visual updates.
  • 1.3.92: Now drops Eridanium instead of the Eridanus Armor.
  • 1.3.9: Introduced.
Fargo's Souls Mod:
Slime King's Slasher.png 武器 • Squeaky Toy.png 饰品 • True Mutant Body.png 盔甲 • Sands of Time.png 工具 • Celestial Seal.png 消耗品 • Top Hat Squirrel.png 城镇NPC • Mutant's Gift.png 永恒模式 • Forbidden Enchantment.png 指南