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Not to be confused with the Mutant's Gift
  • Forgotten Gift.png
Stack digit 1.png
類型Tool – 合成材料
工具提示Debug item
Left click: Toggles session ability to play Maso
Right click: Toggles world ability to play Maso
賣出No value

The Forgotten Gift is a Debug item that activates or deactivates Masochist Mode without needing to defeat The Mutant on Eternity Mode


  • Similar to other debug items, this item is not obtainable by normal means.
Fargo's Souls Mod:
Slime King's Slasher.png 武器 • Squeaky Toy.png 飾品 • True Mutant Body.png 盔甲 • Sands of Time.png 工具 • Celestial Seal.png 消耗品 • Top Hat Squirrel.png 城鎮NPC • Mutant's Gift.png 永恆模式 • Forbidden Enchantment.png 指南