Naval Rustrifle

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Naval Rustrifle
  • Naval Rustrifle.png
Stack digit 1.png
Damage116 Ranged
Knockback15 (Insane)
Critical chance4%
Use time30 Average
TooltipManually reload after each shot
Time the reload correctly to empower your next shot
Empowered shots deal double damage and are guaranteed to critically strike
RarityRarity Level: 4
Sell 5 Gold Coin.png
Projectile created
High-Velocity Bullet (projectile)
High Velocity Bullet
Dropped by
Banished Baron125%
Rustrifle Reload Bar.png
Reload Bar

Naval Rustrifle is a hardmode gun dropped by Banished Baron. After firing the weapon, a reload bar will appear under the player with a cursor that moves back and forth and a pink “perfect reload” zone to the right. Pressing Use / Attack while the cursor is over the perfect reload zone will cause the player’s next attack to fire a piercing high velocity bullet that deals double damage and is guaranteed to critically strike, effectively dealing 4× damage. Failing the perfect reload will fire a normal bullet.

Its best modifier is Unreal.


  • Since the Naval Rustrifle’s perfect reload turns all bullets into high velocity bullets and ignores their special effects, it’s more effective to use it with high damage bullets, namely Venom Bullets.
  • If the player’s attack speed is low enough, such as from Lethargic, it’s possible to simply hold the attack button and get consistent perfect reloads. However, this is generally a DPS loss.


Naval Rustrifle being used with Musket Balls on several target dummies.
Fargo's Souls Mod:
Slime King's Slasher.png Weapons • Squeaky Toy.png Accessories • True Mutant Body.png Armor • Sands of Time.png Tools • Celestial Seal.png Consumables • Top Hat Squirrel.png Town NPCs • Mutant's Gift.png Eternity Mode • Forbidden Enchantment.png Guides