Fargo's Mods Wiki

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Fargo's Mod Banner.pngThe Mod

Fargo's Mod is a mod for Terraria that adds a variety of features and content across all stages of the game. It is split into two main mods: Fargo's Mutant Mod, and Fargo's Souls Mod; as well as several additional smaller addons.

Icon (Fargo's Mutant Mod).png Fargo's Mutant Mod is a quality of life mod that adds several features to reduce grinding. It features five new Town NPCs, which sell boss summons, event summons, miniboss and rare enemy summons, wood, and accessories. Additionally, it provides several new ways to obtain rare items and a number of other useful tools.

Icon (Fargo's Souls Mod).png Fargo's Souls Mod adds a huge selection of craftable accessories that provide various bonuses and abilities, including Enchantments, which provide the effects of armor set bonuses and other accessories. Additionally, it adds Eternity Mode, a new difficulty mode that adds a number of unique effects to enemies and bosses to make them more formidable.

Icon (Fargo's Music Mod).png Fargo's Music Mod is an add-on to Fargo's Souls Mod that adds custom music tracks to the mod's bosses.

Icon (Fargo's Souls Mod DLC).png Fargo's Souls DLC is an add-on to Fargo's Souls Mod that features compatibility and cross-content with different mods. Currently supports the Calamity Mod.

For other official mods related to Fargo's Mods, see Side Mods.

Fargo's Mutant Mod:
Mechanical Amalgam.png Summons • City Buster.png Consumables • Mutant.png NPCs • Portable Sundial.png Tools • Regal Statue.png Furniture • Slimy Energizer.png Materials • LumberJack Hat.png Vanity • Autohammer.png Recipes
Fargo's Souls Mod:
Slime King's Slasher.png Weapons • Squeaky Toy.png Accessories • True Mutant Body.png Armor • Sands of Time.png Tools • Celestial Seal.png Consumables • Top Hat Squirrel.png Town NPCs • Mutant's Gift.png Eternity Mode • Forbidden Enchantment.png Guides